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Nature has what you need right Now.

Spring won't let me stay in this house any longer!

I must get out and breathe the air deeply again.

- Gustav Mahler

Dear Cheshire Land Trust Friends, We are thinking of you at this time.  We want you to know that while we all must practice social distancing, it is so important to get outside, get fresh air and get some nature every day. It can go a long way to lessen stress levels and gives you an opportunity to clear your head. Nature is calming. It can also be a wonderful way for your family to have fun  when you experience the outdoors together.  

  • Play games

  • Look for geocaches or letterboxes

  • Create a list for a scavenger hunt

  • Take note of birds and frogs you see and hear this spring 

  • What trees and shrubs are beginning to leaf out

  • Take photos of the spring ephemerals beginning to bloom

We invite you to visit Cheshire Land Trust properties open to the public, and we encourage you to also make a trip to any of the town-owned open space properties. There is also the Audubon property on Cheshire Street, called Riverbound Farm Sanctuary.  These areas are off the beaten path and generally less populated.  That is good. Cheshire Land Trust properties with trail networks include

  • Fresh Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary (Cook Hill Rd)

  • Brooke Preserve (Sperry Rd)

  • Ives Woodlands (Weekends only)

  • Prospect Ridge (start from Cornwall Ave. in Prospect or head up from Roaring Brook to the ridgeline and the falls)

We also want you to know that board members and stewards of the Cheshire Land Trust are following the prescribed social distancing protocols. We continue our monthly board meetings via online conferencing in order to keep the momentum going forward on our many land trust projects. CLT stewards, also volunteers, continue to perform simpler trail maintenance and other work on CLT properties, where only one or two stewards are needed. We practice social distancing and have not held work parties out of concern for the safety of our volunteers.    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are checking email and phones. We can be reached by email, Facebook Messenger, by mail at P.O. Box 781, Cheshire, CT or call us at 203-806-0258.

Be well. Stay healthy.

Sincerely, Joy VanderLek, President Cheshire Land Trust

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The Cheshire Land Trust Governing Board meets the third Thursday of each month at 7p.m.  Currently meetings are being held via Zoom. Please contact the CLT by email if you would like to attend a board meeting. 

Cheshire Land Trust, P.O.Box 781, Cheshire, CT 06410

CLT is an all-volunteer, private 501(c) 3 non-profit organization committed to conservation. We are not affiliated with the town of Cheshire. We do not receive taxpayer monies. Our organization is wholly funded by our membership.

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