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Fresh Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary

Property Name:

Fresh Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary


Edward Tufte & The Cheshire Neighborhood Assoc.


Acquisition Date:




Cook Hill Road


Mowed meadow, forested ridge, Mill River frontage, seasonal wetlands, and a peat bog (former farm pond)

Small parking lot at kiosk; Fresh Meadows is an important natural area in the Mill River Watershed. Its meadows and emergent forests are really two properties. CLT owns 32.8 acres adjoining 10 acres owned by Elim Park that CLT manages.

​Cheshire Land Trust, P.O.Box 781, Cheshire, CT 06410

CLT is an all-volunteer, private 501(c) 3 non-profit organization committed to conservation. We are not affiliated with the town of Cheshire. We do not receive taxpayer monies. Our organization is wholly funded by our membership. The Cheshire Land Trust Governing Board meets the third Thursday of each month at 7p.m. Please contact the CLT by email if you would like to attend a board meeting. 
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